T he trick to saving money on repairs for your car, appliances or anything else may be something you've never even considered: Do the repairs yourself, or at least find out whether you can order the parts at a discount and have a technician install them. It may sound like it's more trouble then it's worth. But doing your own repairs or supplying your own parts can save you hundreds of dollars. These days there are many online retailers of low-cost parts for cars, computers, appliances, and more. Many of them have posted online how-to videos and instructions that show you how to diagnose a problem and replace a part yourself. Those resources can give you a good idea about whether the job is something you can handle on your own. (If you're hiring a repair shop, online videos also an help you decide whether a technician is misdiagnosing the problem, perhaps intentionally, or charging you an outrageous amount to fix it. I've saved a lot over the years maki...

Consumer news, commentary and musings by veteran consumer and finance writer Anthony Giorgianni (giorgianni.homestead.com)