A new Bankrate survey that examines how much people have in credit card debt compared to emergency savings raises in interesting question: How much should you keep in an emergency fund if you also owe money on your credit cards? My answer is: very little, if anything. The Bankrate survey of 1,004 consumers revealed that three in every 10 Americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings. Of course, having any credit card debt is reason to worry. And too many people are living paycheck to paycheck, a problem underscored by the recent federal shutdown . But what if the survey found the opposite, that people have more in savings than credit card debt? That's actually worse because it would mean that they are keeping money in savings accounts earning, say, just 2.5 percent while paying double-digit interest on their credit card debt. That makes no sense. Think of it this way: Would you borrow money at, say, 22 percent interest so you can put it in t...

Consumer news, commentary and musings by veteran consumer and finance writer Anthony Giorgianni (giorgianni.homestead.com)