U nder a new federal law, beginning today, you now can freeze and unfreeze your credit file at all three major credit bureaus for free. Freezing your credit is a good way to protect yourself from having someone obtain credit in your name. A credit or security freeze restricts third-party access to your credit file, greatly reducing the chances that a thief can use your identity to get a loan, credit card or other credit. Identity theft has become an increasing concern because of the growing number of data breaches at major retailers and other businesses, including last year's breach at the Equifax credit bureau . And using bogus email and phone calls, computer viruses and other methods, scammers have tricked consumers into handing over their date of birth, Social Security numbers and other sensitive information. Until now, many states have allowed the credit bureaus to charge most consumers a fee to freeze and unfreeze their files. But the Economic Gro...

Consumer news, commentary and musings by veteran consumer and finance writer Anthony Giorgianni (giorgianni.homestead.com)